A fever, continuous cough, lack of sense of taste or smell.
A fever, continuous cough, lack of sense of taste or smell.
Do not come if you have been told to Shield
You will be asked to register with a steward on entering the car park. This is necessary if track and trace is required. You can also
check in by scanning the official NHS QR code using your smart phone
(If your contact details have changed please bring written on a piece of paper and put in box so we can update our details)
This information will be kept securely for 21 days at which point it will be destroyed
The 2-meter distancing rules must be observed at all times.
Masks must be worn at all times. We will not be allowed to sing.
Your collection can be put in box on entry into the worship area.
A one-way system will be in place with arrows on the floor, notices on walls. Stewards will be on hand to direct you.
Hand sanitization will take place at a table before you enter the Worship Area. You may wish to bring your own.
Bibles should be brought from home.
Hymns will be on the screens for you to follow but not sing. Some paper copies will be provided but you must take them home with you.
If Holy Communion is taking place you must bring your own bread and “wine/juice.”
We plan to Record the service and share this through our Facebook page ‘Pilgrims Way Church’
At the end of Worship, we will leave via the Vestry corridor into the car park unless you have difficulty using the three steps, then you would walk
along the Vestry corridor into the Vestibule and then out of the main door into the Car Park
If you have any questions do contact Rev’d Nigel 020 8548 4945
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